Dating Profile Photography for Men
In the age of ‘social distancing’, all social interacting, including dating, has shifted even more to online connections. That means that your profile photo are more important than ever. Before you can display your charm, you need photos that communicate your personality. From suave to saucy. From rugged to reliable.
I bring the vital psychology that makes your profile photos, not just a snapshot, but an intentionally crafted presentation of you in your best light, designed for optimum results. — Marcus
Professional portraits for your online dating are NOT done like other kinds of portraits. That means that your “soccer mom” type photographer hobbyist, photographing high school seniors and kids, will not have the psychological distinctions to do dating photos for best results.
There is a LOT of psychology that goes into my online dating portrait photography. In addition to photographer, I serve as your “image consultant’ for purposes of our photoshoot. We are a team that is not just snapping a nice photo, but communicating visually an intentional message.
Men and women have different psychology when looking at profile photos. These differences have to do with:
• eye contact: how much is too much?
• wardrobe: business casual or sporty?
• setting around your photo: outdoors, at events, in the city, in nature?
While photos of babies, families and high school seniors want to convey simply happiness, but an online dating profile portrait has to convey a lot more than that. My photography for online dating for men is tailored to show you as active – you are out and about, out on the town.
That gives your photos a dynamic quality that makes you more interesting. Women are attracted to men that know what they want; that are up to someone, that are active and passionate about things — their job, their hobbies. They are going somewhere and doing things they recognize as fun and valuable. Without real interests, you are not very interesting. After all, if you’re not passionate, how can she get passionate about you?
That leads me to one exaction where dating profile photos do share a quality with high school senior portraits: hobbies. Yes, your dating profile photos can and should include your interests. Bring some props that include them — from physics to guitars.
FACE: your dating profile photos need to emphasize your (1) headshots, and that means some focus on your face. Women want to feel a sense of connection. So, DON’T hide your face in hair, caps, sunglasses, shadows, etc.. But you need some (2) half body (waist up) photos in the mix. These show your overall build, the proportions of height and weight. And a few (3) full body photos.
EYES: The use of eyes in a successful men’s online dating profile is not at all like for a woman’s profile photos. As men, we like to see a woman without hair in her face or sunglasses over her eyes, looking right at us and smiling. That translates as acceptance/approval and interest to us. But for women, they want more mystery: what is he thinking? what is he up to? The like a mix of tough and tender — both casual/open and also focused and driven. She does not want a deadbeat; she wants a proactive man — successful, but also with enough time for her.
Thus, to get the strongest, positive response in your profile photos, we have to have the right ratio of photos of you both looking at the woman vs looking away. This is one of the things that lesser photographers that don’t know the psychology of online dating photos and gender get so wrong.
You see, a woman wants to look at you, without you seeing that she’s looking at you. And while this is not a real, in-person encounter, and just your online profile, the same psychology applies. If you will observe magazine photos of men, usually in ads selling upscale products like cologne or watches or liquor, note the ratio of the direct gaze vs. looking away. These high-budget, commercial photo-shoots are done very on purpose like this to achieve maximum desirability from women.
Let’s talk about men’s online dating psychology by age range, and how that determines what to show and prioritize in your photos!
Dating Profiles Photos for Men in your 20’s:
For successful dating profile photos for women, the #1 priority is expressing happiness. Who wants a depressed or neurotic date?Ug! But this is actually not the case for men’s dating portraits.
For a man in your 20’s, the priority is FUN. You need to look like you are fun to be with. That you can make her laugh. That you are comfortable in your own skin. That you’re not threatening and that you are approachable. Show a hobby, show yourself out and about, show yourself in a friendly, but less intense, way. Show yourself as excited about living your life, but never needy. Show yourself as very engaged with your life, but also confident without being cocky. She will then see a man who has a life that she wants to be a part of!
Dating Profiles Photos for Men in your 30’s:
The psychology of attraction changes a bit in your 30’s. By now you should have accomplished something in the path of your career. There should be that same confidence and active side to you, but a little less wild and impulsive. In your 30’s the kind of confidence you radiate needs to communicate a dynamic but stable life, a guy who can communicate, and a guy who is building the things he values around him. Your photos should convey a sense that you’ve achieved at least some level of success and have a life trajectory that is on the rise.
This will help a woman feel attracted because she can see that you’re not irresponsible, won’t ghost her, but are optimistic and passionate. You’re equally comfortable dressing up or down. It provides a stability combined with a lightness of being where she feels freed up to be around you and simply enjoy the moment.
Dating Profiles Photos for Men in your 40’s:
At this stage, intelligence and stability become important. And a significant number of these online dating women who are seeing your profile will be divorced. These women know themselves a bit better by now. They have enough experience to know what they don’t want in a relationship. And they have less time to waste just dating around all over the place.
These women don’t need to see you as perfect, but they do want to feel that you’re happy with your life-choices to date, and do have a vision for the future. Your confidence stems, not from wishful thinking, but from a steady pattern of working/living smarter. You are accustomed to win and you love that feeling. Projecting this in our photos for your profile will make you very attractive and popular — that you can have your choice of many women, and that she should PRIZE the opportunity to be around you.
Dating Profiles Photos for Men in your 50’s and 60’s:
By now, she is expecting you to be (if a corporate type person) in middle or upper management. Also if you are an entrepreneur who loves to travel on the side, that’s great too. You won’t just settle for anyone and seek someone with a bit higher standards and life wisdom. She needs to feel that if she is to get any of your attention, she needs to step up her game. You want photos that help make her want to chase you.
This sense of exclusivity will activate her need to compete for your attention and be bolder in her approach. You now have even more value in her eyes. She’d better get proactive and grateful if she wants you as the prize!
Photos that convey this about you help you maximize your time by weeding out women who are passive or just wanting to be doted on. If she wants to land the affection of a mover-and-shaker, she’d better be ready to offer some partnership, some reciprocal VALUE in a relationship with you.
I am very intentional about how I photograph a man’s profile photos when it comes to online dating. Everything I do is designed, as my portrait client, to deliver strong, positive results. I deliver photos that take both you and your audience into account.
What I discussed above gives you a taste of what, as your professional photographer (and image consultant!), I am thinking about (in addition to lighting and posing) to provide maximum VALUE to your profile photos.
The great news is that, with my photography, even an “average” looking man can get a substantial edge by showing you in the right light for your intended female audience!
For best results from your online dating profile photos, choose a photographer that is experienced enough and savvy enough, not to just get the pose and lighting right, but communicate visually and put you in the best light.
Most men’s dating portrait photo packages are $295, but I do have more extensive package options too, so call the Dallas studio at 877–858–0071 to go over exactly what all that includes.