Climate Mafia Strikes Again
Don’t be FOOLED by any of this nonsense, this dark agenda. They give themselves awards, grants, and win prizes — like masturbation for their entitled egos. The Anti-Science pushed to fool the feebleminded and repeated ad nauseam like the documented “psychic driving” mind control of the 1960s.
The FACT is that 98% of climate is controlled by the Sun followed by a much smaller percentage impacted by Volcanoes. Mankind, through all their history, has no meaningful impact. The oligarchs pushing these lies certainly don’t give a damn about their “carbon footprint” based on their actual behaviors of hyper consumption and conspicuous self-indulgence (their yachts, jets, purchase of people like sex toys, and other lifestyle choices).
And while were on the word - indulgence - the Catholic church also ran a massive scam like this. They called it indulgences. They claim God is such a financial failure that He needs you to “pay to play”. They knew you were going to sin, so they set themselves up as the proverbial Sin Management Police. These oppressive mafia enforcers said you could PAY MONEY to compensate for your sins.
Is your Roman Catholic God THAT POOR, that he will compromise on his Holiness for your measley coin? What? How does physical money have anything to do with spiritual flaws? It doesn’t; it is a money scam that oppresses people.
Likewise, the oligarchs know they are committing the very “carbon footprint sins” they want to tax you for. They know they will commit “carbon sins.” But if anyone notices, they will rush to tell you, “but it is OK because I am paying for it by buying carbon credits.”
Fiction upon fiction. Fraud upon fraud. Your money has no impact on climate because there is no connection whatsoever. It is a money scam that oppresses people.
Both the Catholic church (messing with your relationship to God and weaseling in the middle to extort money to their coffers based on fear of divine punishment), and the Globalists (messing with your relationship to the planet) have NO REAL AUTHORITY to do any of this. but if they LIE while calling themselves experts and leaders, then SOME simpleminded folk have their agreeableness exploited and suffer harm at the hands of these awful narratives.
The scam runs on the lies from fake authorities and the agreement of enough of the masses. And therein is the key: they weaponize people’s compliance, desperation and well-intentioned agreeableness AGAINST them and their bank accounts.
So since this has ZERO to do with reality or science, then what is it? It is money redistribution with a thin veneer over it in order to trick the unthinking masses. Countries and corporations alike are PAYING massively to virtue signal. They are the main minions keeping the scam running. They are at the top of the international money laundering pyramid.
The Corporations must thus CHARGE YOU MORE for services and products to compensate. Your prices go up and your dollar buys less and less. And the countries must tax people MORE to compensate for these mafioso styled “payouts” to the local, national and international CLIMATE POLICE dressed as benevolent and helpful robes of virtue (reminds me of the abusers dresses as Catholic priests, right?)
Abusers (I include con artists in that category) LOVE to assign authority to themselves and dress in costumes and robes of respectability, kind of like “ecoamerica” example in the screen capture above. But there is a LONG LIST of scammers who want to get in on the scam. Too much to go into here.
And just like the mafia, the bigger the con, the more people who have to benefit from getting “payouts” that buy their silence — complicit and enriched enough to conscript them to help maintain the lies. And voila — you have an evil system that works to keep itself going (to maintain its hegemony and its continuity).
It is inventing a fictional EXCUSE to tax the many humans to enrich to few oligarchs. Such an evil scam built on fraud at every level. If you REALLY wanted to alter the climate you’d change the sun itself, or stop plate tectonics — neither of which all the taxes in the world can affect. Nor should you WANT to mess with our solar system like that!
It is comes down to you, the public. They require your silent, obedient consent — your passive compliance to being abused at multiple levels.
I HATE being lied to, and so should you. I do NOT consent to being abused by narratives like this. I do not consent to MASSIVE and international money laundering schemes and to the exploitation of the people.
These excuses to punish and impoverish humanity are evil. They are mafia — you get hurt and they get enriched and the rest of the scam is just details. The climate stormtroopers don’t want you to wake up to their abuse system. People should be loved and told the truth. To consent to evil IS evil.