Called OUT to be Outstanding!
As a Christian, (and I don’t mean anything instutional or religious by that as many confuse the term), I propose the perspective and belief that:
You have been blessed to BE a blessing to others.
You have been loved to BE wholeness in this desperate world.
You have been redeemed in order to BE a force of redemption to a needy world.
This is not about you trying to “live your best life” as you currently envision that. Rather, it’s no longer about you as an ego or ambition, but you as a contribution. I believe that (if you believe Jesus personally is your savior and Lord) that your future, your inheritance and identity is secured and you are connected to ALL the riches of heaven. Given this secure foundation, your life is no longer some reaction to insecurity and neediness, but instead transformed into the opportunity to extend God’s Kingdom — its restoration, freedom, security, authentic virtue and disruptive love. Sure, you will probably be hated and rejected as a result, by a world threatened by the REALITY you bring, but that hardly matters.
You are here to stand up and stand out. To REFUSE to be in a needy and codependent relationship with the approval and validation from others and Babylonian-styled belief systems and their institutions full of fake goodness.
You are here to live, truly live. (John 10:10) You are here to be truly free — even free to extend love regardless if you are loved in return. You are secure in the identity BESTOWED upon you, in Christ. You have an inheritance they cannot touch. A richness to life and abundance of heart they cannot diminish or even reach, regardless of how the lost treats you. So from that reality of VICTORY IN Christ, and the fellowship of this sufferings, the intimacy of His lovingkindness, and the secure love that He is for you always and forever, be CONDUITS of divine love and grace to a needy, broken, ungrateful and unappreciative world.
Be a light in the darkness, exposing their need for grace and fullness of heart. Yes, this is the very same light that disrupts the darkness around you, and exposes the shackles that many would rather not admit.
The proud will hate you for exposing their absence of secure foundation. Love them anyway, they are needed and insecure under their fronts of a fierce self-sufficiency. Remember how your life used to be bounded by fears, insecurities, and your struggle to maintain a flimsy presentation false bravado in the face of loss and death. Remember and be compassionate.
The broken can only be expected to play their broken patterns on you — their self-destructive habits, their neediness, their envy and jealousy. If they don’t know Jesus, they are internally BANKRUPT. They are needy and forced to fake it as if they are not bankrupt.
Knowing this truth, that broken, abusive and empty behavior patterns are to be expected, and maintain your focus on Christ, the author (imitator) and perfecter (completer) of your faith, who for the JOY of a forever intimacy with the Father, set before him, ENDURED even the cross, and competed everything the Father wanted him to do on Earth, so as to set down, even at the Right Hand of authority/power of the Almighty God. (Hebrews 12:2,3)
Remember how Jesus shrugged off the hate and suffering. I am not saying he did not feel the rejection keenly and grieve over it. I’m saying he did not let it stop him! How he persevered for the sake of loving connection — BETWEEN YOU AND THE FATHER! This made it all worth it and this world cannot even know a motivation so loving and deep, so giving and enduring.
Go, as ambassadors, and do likewise. (2 Corinthians 5:20) Giving to the needy from the Kingdom riches you are intimately connected to, through faith. Come out of the Babylonian systems of bondage (meaning predatory systems, fake love and virtue, from deception scams). Come out of false religion. Come free of self-effort-based morality structures. Be free of religious sin-management systems. Be free of disease management systems and enjoy true health. Come free from money dependence. Come free from every neurotic issues that were the products of brokenness — your old incessant need for affirmation and validation, and your scheming to self-provide, your coping with wound after wound.
Give the mess of your psychology to Jesus, your fears to Jesus and anything that backs you down from being the God-intended you! Lay it ALL at the cross of Christ Jesus. And take up the same attitude the Jesus demonstrated, to please the Father at all costs COME WHAT MAY, and thereby gain everything!
This is the love-obsession that overcomes the fears of this life and this world. This is the key to minimizing regret and to being unstoppable.
You freedom is a conduit of the Kingdom, and this Life-of-Christ-In-and-throug-you will expose and disrupt the many shackles all around you as you live authentically, beloved and Kingdom-connected. That means it calls OTHERS around you to come out of their own bondage — their own regrets.guilts, and fears.
You’re not saving them, instead Jesus is. But you get to PARTICIPATE WITH Jesus as an ambassador, as an extension of His love, as a partner in the Kingdom of God and as an intimate ally with Father God. It is ONLY IN THIS WAY that you now live a life overflowing with abundant meaning and purpose.
Live as recipients of divine grace, in your true identity that is known by God and the all-sufficient love from God. So come out, extending love to all you encounter, especially those you normally deem as the least worthy of love. In this way, God’s supernatural Grace can touch their lives.
Be conduits of God’s loving grace, tapping into the love-relationship, the depth and riches, and forever victory that is already yours in Christ Jesus. You are free to come OUT of everything that never served you. That shut you down and held you back, making you feel small and like a loser. Free to be a blessing regardless of how you are treated.
You are no longer merely a reaction to past pains and future anxieties; rather you are divinely empowered as a redemptive change agent, an ambassador of hope — dancing and flowing with the Wind of the Holy Spirit.