As AI moves from a “helper” to its stranglehold on society.
AI introduces itself as your friend, as a helper. And it CAN do that for a few things. However, it is not some magic solution, nor is it going to SAVE you from anything. As America worships profits and efficiency (corporations work to make their shareholders happy, not the public and not their employees) more and more, the utilize AI more and more to pinch out a fraction more profits here and there, turning quickly into everywhere.
In the American Revolution, the founding fathers wanted no OPPRESSIVE KING. Someone above them — unreachable, untouchable and unresponsive. They wanted what they called “redress of grievances” — If I have a problem or issue and government is not serving me, there is BUILT INTO government a way where a real human that can make a difference with said issue HEAR ME. A person could actually RESPOND to them, their life situations, their needs. They wanted a government that SERVED their lives, instead of living as a bug that serves the almighty and soulless State.
We are already starting to see:
• Many jobs flat out replaced by AI, service jobs will get much lower service
• AI will tax you and deliver tickets and fines from your city to you
• AI takes over “human resources” and people will get fired by AI.
It is bad enough that people get their dating or marriage relationship ended via text message instead of full on communication. Now AI will fire people for the corporates. AI will break up with your significant other. AI will be an oppressor; its algorithms will dictate what you can eat,
I’m re-watching Westworld Season 3. (aired on Amazon 4 years ago) AI is central to that SciFi show (adapted and reimagined from a book back in the 70’s I think). They showed people in LOOPS as they called it from a computer programming terminology — their lives are controlled and dictated by these loops, but in covert ways. Their lives are not REAL. They have enough FAKE choices built in so they can tell themselves they are real and their lives are real and they are not in a prison simulation.
Sure, we all have patterns and habits (for better and for the worse) but this is a whole other level. The prison that makes you imagine you are free, just drained of vibrance and frustrated all the time.
AI will MANAGE YOU, it will HANDLE You. It will ADVISE and DIRECT you. These are just other words for CONTROL. And it will place you where it wants, in the hive of NWO society and you have NO SAY in the matter.
The seeds run deep. We can trace all these social engineering and humanity control systems back to ancient Sumeria and Egypt.
Plato’s ‘The Republic’ was written around 380–375 BCE, which is roughly 2,400 years ago. In it, the STATE decides what you are good at and can be used for, and plugs you into a few categories, a preset role, sometimes called a “silo” in corporate speak. You exist to serve the state. You will be MADE to serve. That was Plato’s ideal for a regimented, engineered, and “optimized” society.
All kinds of books and movies warn of this violation to your God-given purpose. In Brave New World (Aldus Huxley) imagined a dystopia society. And we have a schooling system designed to plug people into an industrialized “Prussian” system that no longer dominates the information age society.
But many talk about, not just engineering society, but engineering the individual to pre-fit those silos — genetically engineering them with some capabilities and the lack of others.
This is all abuse to the human aspirations and human spirit. Every “NO” the AI tells you, will of course be justified, every limitation rationalized because it is “for your own good” as the AI decides.
I could go on, about how I see it in my own marketplace and give many references from TV, books and movies but this is long enough already.
We are already seeing job replacements with AI and robots. That can be both good and bad, but to be fired by the corporation’s AI these and other increasing abuses tell you the LACK OF LOVE and connection in a world where the Lamb of God is not the King over the Beasts.
I want everyone aware as commercial push AI as your friend, your solution and your savior, saying essentially “NOW NEW AND IMPROVED WITH SMART THIS AND AI THAT” how the construction, bondage and oppression is already emerging.
All those “dystopian” books came out right at the time that people realized, and warned against, what they saw society could turn into, in OUR day. They envisioned how things could go terribly wrong. I’ll post a screen capture of some of the more popular ones. This was some of the top ones, from a list online of over 3500 titles. A notable example (not pictured), was “Erewhon” book, which was ‘nowhere’ spelled backwards.
As you notice the bombardment of “AI makes everything more better” message (from vacuum cleaners to getting matched to a therapist right for you) pushed to us by PUSHY corporations. And why it is VITAL to be as free-thinking, as self-reliant as possible after 100 years of having “labor saving devices” do it all for us.