But is it an EVIL Loan Shark… with lasers?
The more we see, the more we see that there are NEEDS galore all around us! We have loved ones that need Jesus. Need salvation. Need discernment. Need freedom from addiction. Need deliverance from demons. Need physical healing. Need a financial breakthrough. And on and on…
The world comes in with all of its so-called “wisdom” and its “answers” and “strategies.” They HAVE to do all this hacking the situation attempts because they are NOT CONNECTED TO A TRULY GOOD AND HOLY FATHER. They have “law of attraction” false solutions. They pretend they can WIN in this MESS.
They have magic false solutions. They have self-improvement false solutions. They all lead to a mess of bondage and internal death. They cannot help but degenerate into the blackness, because they don’t have JESUS. So they tell themselves they can MANIFEST THEIR DREAMS and other nice-sounding nonsense.
There is a demonic realm and there is what the Bible calls the “god of forces” that all this “wisdom from below” taps into. People CAN do money spells, etc.. Yes, the demons WILL respond to your needs with more and more deceptions lures, little “payoffs” that reap MASSIVE INTEREST PAYMENTS to the person’s spirit. It is like taking out a bad loan from the DEVIL LOAN SHARK. You will bitterly regret it in time! So don’t do it!
Disciplined / Persistent prayer to Jesus Christ is so POWERFUL in this regard. You may not SEE the effects right away, but trust God to BE AT WORK. Pray for Jesus to show them the truth, remove the deception and bondage they are in. To reveal the truth about Himself, as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. This is NOT as the world does, for this is praying from your faith-RELATIONSHIP with Jesus, and not a formulaic approach (like magic is).
Magic is what you call a TRANSACTIONAL RELATIONSHIP with a demon. It will end badly 100% of the time, for demons are deceivers and destroyers. You give them such and such in order to get such and such back. Many FAIL to realize the massive INTEREST PAYMENTS on their debt to demons, till it is too late. And like a predatory loan from an evil bank, they snap they trap shut!
Satan weaponizes your own needs against you. But Jesus came to restore you from the inside out, by intimately connecting you to HIMSELF.
What is it called when the bank grabs all you have? The bank comes to REPOSSESSES YOUR ASSETS. Likewise in the spirit realm, the demons come to devour your SOUL and POSSESS your spirit!
Turn to Jesus while there is still time. Repent of your own fierce stubborness to try to handle life in your own strength. Repent of damaging strategies to try to get your own needs met. Receive His grace, strength, power, and LIFE.