How to enjoy quality relationships? As Tony Robbins says: "you get the level of life and relationships that you are willing to settle for." So yes, take a stand for excellence. Not the ultra-demanding narcissism that is en-vogue these days, but a boundary that is a real boundary because it is enforced. Value yourself and everyone's time.
It turns out being "nice" is social programming and it is NOT the same thing as real love, because love is taking a proactive stand for the beloved's highest and best interests, and you enter the relationship to contribute as a giver, an intimate ally, as a catalyst to their growth - to them blossoming and developing into their best self.
And that means taking a stand against everything unloving, selfish in their character, and taking a stand against every agreement they have made (consciously or unconsciously) that degrades them. That means love sacrifices being merely nice in order to disrupt that which is in the way of the beloved's deepest beauty. It is willing to confront. It is willing to stay true to its values, even under pressure. It does so with grace and respectfulness, yet also with a resilient strength. Because of this, not many are truly willing to enter into the risky arena of love.
For more detailed look on niceness vs love, and how love confronts evil for the sake of serving the beloved, see the book "Bold Love" by Dan Allendar.