Abandoning Satanism

Headshot Pros
6 min readJul 6, 2022


Who has fake love and who has real love?

Co-founder of South African Satanic Church resigns — now believes in Jesus Christ after Christians ‘show him what unconditional love is.’

Riaan Swiegelaar, co-founder of the South African Satanic Church (SASC), has resigned from his post as presiding priest of the controversial church on 30 May 2022. He also resigned from that satanic church council, as well as dissolved his membership with the organization.

In a live video broadcast on Facebook, Swiegelaar said, “To be very honest, I initially thought I’d quietly slip out the backdoor and I didn’t think people would be so interested in why I do what I do.” “

He said he engaged in Satanism because it resonated with him because he was “very sad and very broken, without realizing it”. “I think a lot of people resonate with Satanism when they come from a very broken place.”

“I have met thousands of Satanists over the past year and they are extremely hurt and broken — that’s the one thing they all have in common,” Swiegelaar added.

He burst into tears and added, “To this day, there have only been four Christians in my entire life who have shown me what unconditional love is.”

Adel Frey, one of the people who supported him, messaged him saying she just did a simple thing by showing him love. “People, showing love for others is everything. You showed me the love of Christ, I saw it in you”.

He adds that Frey showed him unconditional love at a time when he was an “ugly monster”, and when he adopted Christians who do that. “You showed me unconditional love. “

In mid-May, Swiegelaar conducted his last interview as a member of the South African Satanic Church on the CapeTalk radio station, not knowing it would be his last radio interview as a satanist. Swigelaar said in that interview that he does not believe that Jesus Christ exists. A lady from the radio team walked up to him after the interview and hugged him in a way he had never been hugged before.

A week later, he saw on WhatsApp that the woman is a Christian. “I never had a Christian do this. I have never experienced a Christian show so much love towards a self-knowing satanist. And it stayed with me, though.”

A week later, when Swiegelaar had to perform a ritual to see “what the next phase is to gain more influence and power”, as he did the ritual and during the ritual Jesus appeared before him.

He said, “If you are Jesus, you have to prove it. “Dizzy says he is overflowing with the most beautiful love and energy. “And I recognized it right away, like the woman at the radio station pointed it out to me.”

This is how I recognized the love of Christ.

Vigilator expands more about his experience in the live Facebook video that’s over 30 minutes long. https://www.facebook.com/riaan.swiegelaar/videos/610599526944658/

Impostor said he would not answer queries from the media, and that the video is his testimony.

This is an update, 7/10/2022 to the above.

Sadly, other religious people have attacked and shown skepticism towards this man. They have picked apart his testimony and noted several things that are not squeaky clean about his theology. I agree that theology is important — VERY important. HOWEVER…

Does a baby walk perfectly in its first week of life? Its first 4 months of life even? Of course not. It has lots of GROWING and BECOMING to do.

This is the testimony of a BABY Christian, people. There are plenty of rough edges to him. BUT the most important thing is how his heart responded to God’s heart. The rest will follow. So I will post this list of criticisms here for 2 reasons, and then my response to them:

Reason 1: to document how the religious people are both right in their needed corrections to him, but wrongly expecting perfection from a baby Christian, in a way that is un-Christ-like and downright mean! I am disappointed, but not shocked, by these criticizers.

I’m nor surprised because we’ve seen this behavior before towards the newly-saved and it comes either from a mean spirit, an immature Christian themselves, or a religious person who’s heart has NOT BEEN TOUCHED by Jesus and submitted itself to growing in a sincere relationship with Jesus.

Reason 2: I do agree with the below corrections themselves. These are valid criticisms and the criticism is right to correct theology and doctrine. But this baby Christian needs more MILK and is not ready to be scrutinized like that, especially from an unloving spirit! He needs a LOVING AND MATURE MENTOR as he seeks more of Jesus Himself, NOT a list of criticisms. These corrections are technically accurate, give him time to GENTLY spend time n the Bible and with Jesus to straighten out his New-Age-Style distortions about love and God.

The points of critique that others have noted:

1. This man openly admits he still talks to his spirit guides, stating that he “talks to his god, his spirit guides, and his angels.” If you know anything about the New Age, you’ll know what he’s referring to.

2. He refers to the Holy Spirit as “Christ consciousness.” Another reference to the New Age.

3. He refers to his new found faith as choosing to follow light, not once referencing Jesus Christ as the Light he’s following. Another reference to the New Age as satan himself, according to the Bible, transforms himself into an angel of light.

4. He says he’s basing all of this on the conversations he’s having with God, referring to Him as the “divine.” Another reference to the New Age. He’s not getting this information he’s now believing from the Bible. He willingly admits this.

5. He states that he will under no circumstances expose the wickedness of satanism or anyone in the organization.

6. He states that the only thing that matters to God is love. And while God IS love, he fully admits that God will still love us if we live contrary to His commands… eluding to the fact that we will still go to Heaven.

7. He never mentions the actual need for repentance.

8. He states that in God’s love there is no condemnation, but he does not mention the rest of this Bible verse that says, “to those who are in Christ Jesus and live according to the spirit and not the flesh.” Romans 8:1 (Many newer Bible translations also leave this part of the verse out. That’s why it’s important to read the proper translation!)

9. He is still living as an active homosexual.

10. He states that the Kingdom of God is open to everybody. He never mentions that while it is indeed initially opened through Grace, those who deliberately live in willful sin will not inherit it (1 Corinthians 6:9–10). He disputes this fact found in the Bible.

11. He states we are to never call out sin, under any circumstances. It’s not loving. And since God is love, He would never call out anyone’s sin.

12. He refers to the Holy Spirit only as “spirit.”

13. He refers to Jesus as one of the teachers who impersonated God.

14. He states that we’re not supposed to tell psychics that what they’re doing is not right with God.

My response to this list of things he needs to correct in his beliefs:

So were you instantly perfect in your doctrines and theology and everything when you got saved? Of course not! He still has DISTORTIONS, yes. But his heart and being said YES, when in the Lord God’s presence. And that YES kickstarted a real relationship with God! He can learn, and UNLEARN some things.

The Bible calls us to become “sanctified” — this is the PROCESS OVER TIME of being more like Christ. Yes, he still has distortions. Give him grace and time people!

Imagine if God judged you with everything off in you, even after letting Him save you? Imagine if God showed you every detail about you that is still off and not like Himself — you could not handle it I promise!!! God CONTINUALLY has to correct us, deepen our knowledge of Himself, the Truth.


These criticisms talk about needing discernment? Yes, discernment is SO important. His HEART is in the right place and with that, the Holy Spirit will lead him and all those ROUGH EDGES and parts of him still in error will get resolved.

The Bible teaches us a few things in particular here:

1. The EVIDENCE of His salvation will be seen in time through his FRUIT.

2. If you want to pick on a child of God, you have to go Through Christ first!

3. May God be just as GENTLE or ROUGH WITH YOU as you are being towards him.



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