A question did not end your marriage; you both took a whole set of steps to end it from the start. It is not noble or brave or growth to end something you both chose to make passionless, it is BASIC. Not to do so is simply to embrace more self-torture... or you could be proactive to, not find/discover, but CREATE a great and passionate relationship.
You did not have a whole or truly alive heart to start with, and it would seem, neither did he. Two internally dead thigns will not spark life.
Why CHOOSE to remain so dead when this life was meant to be lived - whether married or not married, you're not talking about what you ARE passionate about. Clearlt is was not the marriage, but what IS your deepest passion? You don't seem to know that and it would indicate you are a staranger to yourself. That self-estrangement is a choice. An anti-marriage and anti-life choice. I'd suggest the book "Waking the Dead" by John Eldredge.