A Final Plea

Headshot Pros
8 min readAug 31, 2022


As we go from August 31st, 2022 into September. This right here is the hate-trigger of those that want unlimited gratification without responsibility. But what it actually is, is the last lifeline, the last prayer for life and sanity and restoration instead of destruction.

SOOOO many demons driving women to violate their femininity, to celebrate death of their own babies. This is what justifying selfishness leads to: total delusion and destruction!

This is what God condemned in the ancient pagans that worshiped the fallen angles. These false gods of old would always demand bloodshed and the lives of their babies, especially their firstborn.

It is so basic that your “freedom” ENDS when it comes to hurting someone else! Why, in your rabid selfishness and bloodlust do you have MORE CHOICE than the life of the human baby it took both a man and a woman to create?

False Freedom is inverted and looks like this.

But they will contradict themselves, opportunistically choose anything and everything which their demons demand they choose. They will call being a slave to their demons “freedom and empowerment”. This is total deception, inversion, and rebellion against the goodness of God.

“Don’t you know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN; rather, you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
— 1 Corinthians 6:19,20

Your body is not your’s do just do WHATEVER with. So don’t believe that LIE of the enemy of your soul! No, God made your body and we need the Fear of God — meaning SERIOUS RESPECT — meaning SOBER REVERENCE — for Who God is, His Power and that You need Him, though He LOVES You, He does not NEED You — instead You need HIM! Without this basic connection to core reality, you are veracious, your are noxious, you are embracing destruction and insanity. God warns that the trash that has willed itself to be good-for-nothing, only ends up in the fire.

“As therefore the tares (weeds) are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.” — Matthew 13:40

They ENSHRINE their bondage to demons and call it “freedom”! God lovingly warned us that The false god of this world has blinded their minds. Their eyes can no longer see what is good. (2 Corinthians 4).

The Lie of Autonomy

NO ONE HAS AUTONOMY over their own body! No one EVER has. If you did you would demand to your body that it would not age or get feeble! YOU WOULD CHOOSE to never age past a certain point if you truly had “CHOICE” — if you had actual autonomy over the body God made and owns. Even these basic truths escape their grasp, so complete is the demonic bondage of ancient paganism, dressed up in a new costume of “modern empowerment.”

The womb is an INVOLUNTARY MUSCLE. You don’t have autonomy over it and never have had that ever. It bleeds and cramps regularly to keep itself ready and in condition to serve its purpose–to BEAR LIFE. It is OUTSIDE your conscious control precisely because it is too crucial of a thing to humanity to be left to the voluntary choice of those too foolish to dictate life.

If you truly had CHOICE and POWER over your body, you’d probably choose to never sleep and always have energy. But you cannot even do that! You can color your hair a fake color, you can inject foreign hormones into it to hijack natural processes, and you can hack off your own genitalia, but NONE OF THAT foolishness changes the core you. None of your affirmations that you can become anything you identify as has the power to make it so. God is not OPPRESSING you, as lucifer is always whining about. “Be not deceived” we are commanded for our own GOOD.

“But let every man prove (demonstrate) his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. (take personal responsibility for your life and don’t play the victim card) For every man shall bear his own burden. Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do GOOD unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:4–10

God made your womb to be an instrument of LIFE. Don’t let satan TRICK you into turning it into an instrument of murder! If you sow DEATH to other humans, you will REAP DEATH eternal upon yourself. So… don’t do that! Choose life, not death. You are not somehow empowered by being a murderer! Wake up and repent! Choices and behaviors have CONSEQUENCES. Serious consequences. Real consequences. Eternal consequences.

Gratification has Consequences

They will even say “we should be able to have sex, whenever, however, and with whoever and whatever we please, moment by moment, yet WITHOUT THE BURDEN of pregnancy.” They have lost their mind! They have forgotten the basics of how babies are made?

God made humanity to worship more than their own genitals and animalistic urges. They want endless gratification WITHOUT consequences. Without the effects connected to those behaviors. But they set themselves up for destruction and hellfire without end! Satan has lured them away from all connection to reality! In hell, reality and clarity will fully return to them, but only when it is too late to repent!

Lord God, RUIN THE PLANS of the devil over their souls, we pray. Let LIFE swallow up the death the enemy has planned for them!

Father God, I know, and You see that they have HARDENED THEIR HEARTS. They have destroyed their own conscience. They have embraced so many lies. But if perhaps somehow and some way, you can save SOME, they OPEN those closed spiritual eyes. Then SOFTEN some of those closed spiritual hearts. Give the rebellious SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING so they can grasp the horrific destruction they are setting themselves up for, and perhaps TURN AWAY, and be humbled and repentant and choose life. It saddens your heart to see these Americans, that had the Bible galore, and the Gospel so available LIKE NO OTHER NATION EVER, be so selfish, unloving and hard-hearted. No one DESERVES grace, but we SO NEED your Grace over America. I know You have graciously poured it out — over and over again. Please, I don’t know what it will take, but YOU DO. Will it take nukes going off in cities? Dirty bombs? Plague and famine? Will it take SADS — the globalist-engineered death and depopuatlion the pretend is just “sudden adult death syndrome”? Will it take many Americans just DROPPING LITERALLY DEAD, to cause us to weep and mourn over our sins? YOu know the pain and sorrow it will take in our land to SLAP SOME BACK TO REALITY THE HARD WAY.

And yet, even some sinners turning from their sin, is far better than none at all. Let it please you and let Your Name by Holy and Glorified. ALL you do is Righteous — your blessing and your judgement of wickedness, it is all to work goodness in the big picture. Please do ACTIVELY REMIND the wicked of the very thing they don’t want to hear — that judgment is coming. They they are not “free to do as they please”, not because you are a cruel oppressor like lucifer tries so hard to trick them into believing, but because you have guidelines, you have righteous ways, ways that result in MAXIMUM BLESSING. Your commands are for our own GOOD! Your nearness is our maximum GOOD (Psalm 73).

We ask You to BREAK THE SPELLS over the rebellious! BREAK THE MIND CONTROL over the reprobates, the thief, the addict, the proud, the deathmongers, the scoffers, the violent and oppressive! Show them REALITY — the consequences of the path they are putting themselves on. Please give them visions of hell BEFORE they wind up in hell! Please intervene in these resistant hearts and minds. SO MANY IN AMERICA ARE ON THE VERGE OF DEATH ITSELF, yet so few see it!

You, you are the Light of the World. Yes, the rebels “love their darkness and refuse to come to the light” (John 1). They need a REALITY reminder, a shattering to the deception dragging them to be the torture toy of the devil forever. You did not make them for this! Please, even after all you have done, please we cry, find your way to BREAK THROUGH to them as only You can!

You, Lord God, as Jesus Christ did weep and mourn over the hard-heartedness of Jerusalem in the day of their visitation, knowing the mob would soon call for the Crucifixion of INNOCENT AND PURE Jesus, and the release of criminal Barabas. You knew the horrific destruction soon coming on Jerusalem in AD 70 and how you would use and allow their enemies to be WAY TOO POWERFUL for them, and destroy them and the city — despite your love for them. They rejected you. You loved them and the majority of them hated you back for it. You have no delight in their downfall.

IS AMERICA MUCH DIFFERENT? We have been so blessed. Yet GIVE IN to depopulation agendas, death jabs, the human sacrifice of so many babies. We have strayed from Your Word. Your Bible is not read for the most part. Prayers to you are not on the lips of so many. The FEAR OF GOD has departed from our fake leaders at the city, state and national levels. We are a nation RIPE for judgement most severe!

We, the few, the few who fear Your Name and who can see because of Your Light, we CALL OUT for anything and everything FROM YOUR THRONE that will break through to these savage minds and cruel hearts, lest they find themselves in hell where your Grace and Love can no longer touch them!

Lord God, I know you look upon these viscous hearts, and you LOVE THEM, but not what they are choosing. You did not make them FOR THIS! The savage hardness in their eyes, they stony hate on their faces; you did not make the women of America to give themselves over to this! They have marched themselves straight into delusion to the point of rabid bloodshed as they worship the gratification of their flesh, given over to the lusts of demons.

PLEASE JUDGE US in Your righteousness. Judge us so as to call SOME to repent. Let their souls not be lost to the accuser, the deceiver, to the realm of the damned.

(if you believe and feel the same, please share)



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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